
Velawsmo is an American artist, painter, typographer and graphic designer. Inspired by Post-War sentiments, Hyperart (Thomasson), the Superflat movement, and the American and German Pop movements, Velawsmo coined the term Capitalist Surrealism (or Capsure).  Capitalist Surrealism is a phrase that classifies the aesthetic and analysis of the critically flawed American capitalist system and it’s unintended effects. In an attempt to bridge a gap between the real and the surreal, Velawsmo precisely emulates “billboard aesthetics” that meld with themes of cynicism, exploration, and genuine innocence, expressing antithesis to the ever-conservative themes that are imbued within popular corporate structure. Velawsmo’s ideals seek to unveil a path to understanding, balance, and reinvention in opposition to popularly perceived “never-changing” states of being. With this budding ideology, Velawsmo seeks not only to investigate our everyday institutions, but hopes to implore people to seek out and explore an ancient innocence that is found within all of us.

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