Inspired primarily by post-modern Pop Art movements, Velawsmo’s art serves chiefly to satirize modern day propagandism, capitalist sentiments, and authoritarianism in a highly surreal and playfully incomprehensible manner. Fantastical, sometimes silly, and often unnerving tropes reverberate throughout the artist’s oeuvre in an effort to showcase profanity at the periphery of innocence, and vice versa. Flat graphics, fake languages, and esoteric icons used within the artist’s work serves to parody the graphic stylings attributed to the advertising aesthetics commonly seen in modern Western culture. With this process and ideology, Velawsmo intends not only to explore the detrimental mechanisms of these authoritarian systems, but to urge viewers to uncover innocence, humility, and a bit of humor within themselves.

"Jungergeist" (2021) from Mana Contemporary exhibition, "Infância". 

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